With the changing of the seasons, it is time to consider whether or not to replace your window. Replacing old and outdated windows can not only save you money on energy costs, but can also increase the aesthetic appearance of your home and even its resale value if you plan on selling it in the near future. Getting a window replacement might be tricky though since you need to make sure you choose the best time of the year to install them. In this blog, the replacement window installers at The Window Authority of House will go over what is the best time of the year to replace your windows.

Seasonal Climate

Seasonal climate is an important factor to consider when deciding when to replace your windows. In general, it is best to avoid replacing windows during the extreme cold or heat of the year. Not only is it more difficult to install windows in extreme weather, but the new windows may not be as effective in regulating temperature if they are installed during extreme weather conditions. In general, fall or spring are the best times to replace your windows, as the weather is typically more moderate during these seasons.

Seasonal Deals

Another important factor to consider when determining what is the best time of the year to replace your windows is the type of deals that are being offered. Deals tend to be scarcer during the warmer and hotter months of the year since they are the most frequently booked. During the fall and winter though, window installation companies offer deals to help get more installations booked since people prefer the warmer weather over the cooler weather. 

What’s The Verdict?

With these two factors taken into consideration, the best time of the year to replace your windows would be during the fall. With cooler weather that is still manageable while boasting some great deals, having a window installation during these cooler months can help you save on installation costs while not having to be exposed to extreme temperatures. Of course, depending on the condition of your windows, sometimes you may not be able to wait until the fall, so make sure you choose the best and closest time to get your windows replaced. 

Get A Free Estimate on Your Window Replacement

No matter what time of year it is, you can call your local Houston window replacement and installation experts at the Window Authority of Houston. Or you can fill out a quote form and take advantage of our great offers.